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First meeting of the permanent working group on PPP

March 13, 2015 in the building of administration of municipal formation town of Goryachy Klyuch held a meeting of the permanent working group on the implementation of investment projects on the basis of public-private partnership in the territory of municipal formation town of Hot Key.

This meeting was attended by Deputy Director of the Representative office of Vnesheconombank in Rostov-on-don (SFD) - Chernomaz Sergey Nikolaevich and CEO of the nonprofit partnership of the Agency for the promotion of Investment and Innovation - Bulavinov Viktor Borisovich.

Chernomaz S. N. in its report, noted that the purpose of the Bank's activities is to provide quality support to the organs of state and municipal management in order to implement the sectoral, regional or urban development strategies of public infrastructure on PPP. And uncover the mechanisms and schemes of realization of investment projects on the basis of public-private partnerships.

In turn Bulavinov V. B. also made a report, outlining the audience, how should decisions be made about the implementation of the investment project on the basis of PPP.

Following the meeting of the permanent working group it was decided to identify priority investment projects that may be implemented on the basis of PPP mechanisms.