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The Krasnodar Region exceeded the tasks facing the region under the International Cooperation and Export national project

Enterprises exported products for almost $ 2.7 billion having a plan of $ 2.5 billion.

- The Krasnodar Region exceeded the tasks facing the region under the International Cooperation and Export national project. Despite the difficult weather conditions and epidemiological situation, we were able to provide our products not only to the inhabitants of the region but also to other countries. The plan for the export of cereals was exceeded by more than $ 100 million, and that one for the fat-and-oil industry – by $ 103.5 million. The export of meat and milk was exceeded by almost 2 times, – the Head of Kuban, Veniamin Kondratyev, said.

He also noted that thanks to the national project, regional exporters received preferential loans of 3 billion rubles. The funds are invested in the purchase of raw materials and the installation of new modern lines. Veniamin Kondratyev recalled that Kuban products are recognizable and in demand in more than 130 countries around the world.

«Now we are focusing on the supply of processed products: flour products, wine, canned fruits and vegetables, condensed milk, and ice cream, which is already liked by the people on the other side of the world, rather than raw materials», the Governor said.

It should be recalled that within the national project, by 2024, the region should increase the volume of exports of agricultural products to $ 3.8 billion. At the regional level, the Regional Export Support Coordination Center assisted the local producers. More than two thousand SMEs made use of its services.

The Press Service of the Administration of the Krasnodar Region