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The reconstruction of the central streets of the village of Saratov will include additional work

Ivan Fedorovskiy met with the leadership of the Federal Road Agency, in order to make the necessary changes.

Lenin Street is thorough not been repaired for more than five years, and storm drains here and not there. After the reconstruction in the center of the village with a new road will be coated trays to drain storm water and more than a kilometer of the sidewalk, which is on one side of the roadway was not there before. The total cost of more than 80 mln. Rubles.

Ivan Fedorov eve held a working meeting with the experts responsible for the repair. The commission planned to leave next week, but by the acting head of the city asked the locals asking if possible to clarify the project. At the site, it was decided about the device more convenient access to retail outlets in the center of the village. In addition, having the whole street, adjusted approaches and entrances to the houses to the villagers did not experience discomfort after the completion of the work. Livnevki also approved location at the intersection of Lenin and the Communards, where there is a slope, complicating central drainage.