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In place of long-term construction will school

The city Goryachy Kluch on a standard project with reference to the area planned to build a new school.

The foundations for the building of the municipal administration laid down for a long time and now worthless. The construction project of the institution on the site was developed in 2008, but the funds for its construction in the budget was not. Over time, the foundations hozpostroek overgrown weeds (pictured) and the planned construction seemed to have forgotten.

However, the current time brings us to the new requirements. Social policy directed provincial authorities to stimulate the birth rate in the state support of families with children give the expected result. Child population in the city Goryachy Kluch is growing year by year. To eliminate all kindergartens in the city, including rural areas, appropriate measures - construction of new pre-school educational institutions, to seek ways of opening new working groups in kindergartens.

Plans to build a school in this area of ​​the city date back to the 80s. Now, the presence of another educational institution in the city Goryachy Kluch is necessary. After all, the Russian president's policy in the field of education aimed at the elimination of teaching students in two shifts.

According to experts, we Municipal Administration of city Goryachy Kluch, new building will be built according to an exemplary boundary project readiness is expected within a month. According to it, the urban specialists will prepare construction documents with reference to the terrain. At this stage it will be possible to enter into co-financing program. With the economic support of the edge of the school building will begin next year.