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The project to repair the roads will make adjustments

Ivan Fedorovskiy invited edge professionals to prevent errors in the work to repair the roadway.

It was, in particular, on the streets of Pushkin and of the World. The planned volume here will be executed in full compliance with the terms of the contract. But on Novonaberezhnoy from acting Head of the city, a number of issues. "One gets the impression that the project was made without the on-site visit, it is necessary to correct that neither time nor money are not wasted," - said Ivan Fedorovskiy. The peculiarity of the street is that it has no bias, so it is important to consider in more detail the location of storm drains.

We also discussed the upcoming work on the overhaul of the bridge outside Yaroslavl. Despite the fact that the approved user-friendly alternative route, Ivan Fedorovvskiy drew attention to the driving directions for trucks. Acting chapter emphasized the need to coordinate with the traffic police restriction in the movement of trucks in order not to inconvenience residents of the street along which increase the flow of cars. Repair of the bridge construction will start after the completed capital works Lenin Street in the village of Saratov.